Title Insurance

Powell Abstract Company, Inc., is proud to be an agent for Stewart Title Guaranty Company; Chicago Title Insurance Company; Fidelity National Title Insurance Company; and Old Republic National Title Insurance Company.  Every policy of title insurance issued by Powell Abstract is based on an examination of title done by an experienced title attorney.

Title Plant Records

Powell Abstract maintains a sovereignty title plant that contains a detailed index of every document that has ever been recorded in the real property records of Moore and Sherman Counties, Texas, dating back to the mid-1870’s.  The first entry in our collection of tract indexed records was handwritten in our tract books over 110 years ago, in 1908.  Our title plant remains the only complete, tract searchable index of the land records of Moore and Sherman Counties, Texas

Closing and Escrow

Powell Abstract Company, Inc., can coordinate all aspects of your real property closings.  Whether you’re a residential home buyer, a hard working farmer or a commercial property owner, we have the knowledge and years of experience to help you navigate through the closing process.  We handle the closing and escrow process for all types of real estate transactions.

Find helpful information and resources about real estate and our local community, including a title insurance rate calculator, and links to local information and services such as county tax appraisal districts, local utility companies and other helpful information.


Texas Land Title Association, TLTA   https://www.tlta.com/     American Land Title Association  https://www.alta.org/    Dumas, Moore County, Texas Chamber of Commerce  http://www.dumaschamber.com/          Dumas Board of Realtors  http://dumasboardofrealtors.org/