Whether you’re buying your dream home, acquiring that farm or ranch you’ve had your eye on, or borrowing money for your home, your farm or your business, Powell Abstract Company has been helping people in our local communities do all of those things for well over one hundred years. We’d be proud to help you too. Rest assured that we’ll use our years of expertise to help make your real estate transaction happen as efficiently as possible. Our helpful staff and on-site attorney are here to answer any questions that you might have about the closing process or your specific title needs.
Powell Abstract Company, Inc., maintains a sovereignty title plant that covers Moore and Sherman Counties in the Texas Panhandle. We provide title and escrow services for a variety of real estate needs from home purchases to multimillion dollar farm loans.

Texas Land Title Association, TLTA https://www.tlta.com/ American Land Title Association https://www.alta.org/ Dumas, Moore County, Texas Chamber of Commerce http://www.dumaschamber.com/ Dumas Board of Realtors http://dumasboardofrealtors.org/